wants 2 be friends, wants 2 b like friends, more likely 2 agree w/ rules, likes 2 sing dance & act, is aware of gender, can tell what's real & what's make believe, shows more independence (may visit neighbor by themself), is sometimes demanding & sometimes very cooperative
### Language/Communcation:
speaks very clearly, tells us a simple story using full sentences, uses future tense (grandma will be here), says name & address
counts 10 or more things, can draw a person w/ @ least 6 body parts, can print some letters or numbers, copied a triangle & other geometric shapes, knows about things used every day (like money and food)
### Movement/Physical Development:
stands on one foot 4 10 seconds or longer, hops (skips), can do a somersault, uses a fork & spoon & sometimes a table knife, can use the toilet on their own, swings & climbs
Graphical User Interface (GUI): an interface that uses icons or other visual indicators to interact with electronic devices, rather than only text via a command line