# Translating kindergarteners’ creative expressions into engineering specifications to design paper boats.
## Abstract
## Tables of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Equipment and Methodology
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
5. References and Citations
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Equipment and Methodology
3.1 Experimental Procedure
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
6. References and Citations
## 1. Abstract
## Introduction
## 2. Introduction
## Equipment and Methodology
## 3. Equipment and Methodology
For my research project, my aim is to meet with a child for at least 3 sessions. The first session would be to observe the child drawing boats usding their imagination.
@@ -22,16 +30,16 @@ Session 2: Test the skills of a 5 year old with computer and tablet games/apps.
Session 3: Try to build a GUI by this point and test it on them. (not 100% sure yet, need to complete more literature review)
## Experimental Procedure
### 3.1 Experimental Procedure
1. Create an itinerary for meeting with 5 year old
2. Strive for 3 sessions
3. Session 1: Meet with child to draw boats, ask them to desgin different boats for different environements, task or objectives. (to be big and carry cargo, to be fast, to be small)
4. Develope Questions to ask after to (put answers/results in terms of hard or easy, like it or not like it, fun or boring,)