- KiCAD cannot take single line cut. Closed shape needed.
### 07/15/2019
- 3 potential ways to solve the issue on KiCAD with internal cut
-*Assume the position of each internal cut line is known*
- 1. Make internal cut a closed shape (original cut with thickness)
- Pro: Easy to import routed circuit back to dxf cutter file
- Con: Hard to make the cut itself a closed shape.
- 2. Make internal cut outlines a block on certain layer and treat it as obstacle in auto-router
- Pro: Easy to generate a block as obstacle in drawing
- Con: Hard to import routed circuit back to dxf cutter file
- 3. Put internal cut on different layer in KiCAD that can be read as obstacle in auto-router
- Best solution for now if the auto-router will be able to read single cut line, but cannot be edge.cut layer for sure, otherwise board outlines cannot be found by KiCAD.