### 06/27/2019
- Compile `OldRoCo` [repo](
- Record of modification:
- ++line 8 of ``
- --> `pip install -r requirements.txt --user`
- Export `paperbot` dxf file : `graph-silhouette.dxf` to `OnShape`
- Record of Tips:
- Onshape does not read dxf file as its own saved unit. Manual settings needed when import.
- Draw circuit diagram as CAD on `Onshape`
- Multiple connection approaches:
- `Cross` shape of `0.039 in`
- `Cross` shape of `0.049 in`
- `Octangular` shape of `0.049 in`
- Note and issue:
- `Octangular` shape is the best connection approach so far, but none of approach has stable conductivity. More research is needed.
- Scratches can be made easily when attaching microcontroller to the sheet. Potential disconnection may occur due to such scratches on metal layer.
- Export 2D CAD drawing with PCB to SVG for silhouette cameo
- Record of Tips:
- `OnShape` unit need to be consisted with unit setting in `Inkscape` (default: mm)
- Plugin `Inkscape-silhouette` cannot take multiple types of trace for cutting.
- Different trace (especially cut and etching) need to be sent separately. Use `coordinate tool` of `Inkscape` to ensure separated cuts have same origin.
- Cut and etching from same `Inkscape` file
### 06/28/2019
- Compare EAGLE and KiCAD
- EAGLE cannot import `.pcb` file
- Auto-routing package:
- TopoR
- Python-PCB
- FreeRouting
- LayoutEditor
- Approaches:
- A. convert SVG/DXF file to schematic/board design of PCB. Use KiCAD or EAGLE to do autorouting.
- B. develop algorithm on auto routing for single layer svg/dxf file. (path finding problem)
##### Approach A
- Use regular shape board for PCB in KiCAD
- image processing: divide alternative shape of `paperbot` to multiple rectangles (openCv)
- Pull required connections and place additional connection pin around edges of each rectangle
- Make each connection pin to be two parallel connections so auto-router does parallel trace for each wiring.
- Etching a pair of parallel trace provides isolation, and leave the space between traces to be conductible.