pyTest failure fix for .wbo merge
A bug fix that makes pytest fail
pyTest failed upon .makeoutput specifically at .wbo file creation. IOStream was closed in to3D function, which should have been kept open for later use in the handler. Originally pyTest was done only against py_component and now all library components makeoutput are tested.
pytest fails for Foil with an unrelated bug. FAILED [ 2%]C:\Users\yusuk\OneDrive - UCLA IT Services\LEMUR_UCLA\Roco2SimRocolib\env\Scripts\python.exe: can't find 'main' module in 'C:\Users\yusuk\OneDrive' C:\Users\yusuk\OneDrive - UCLA IT Services\LEMUR_UCLA\Roco2SimRocolib\env\Scripts\python.exe: can't find 'main' module in 'C:\Users\yusuk\OneDrive' C:\Users\yusuk\OneDrive - UCLA IT Services\LEMUR_UCLA\Roco2SimRocolib\env\Scripts\python.exe: can't find 'main' module in 'C:\Users\yusuk\OneDrive' C:\Users\yusuk\OneDrive - UCLA IT Services\LEMUR_UCLA\Roco2SimRocolib\env\Scripts\python.exe: can't find 'main' module in 'C:\Users\yusuk\OneDrive' C:\Users\yusuk\OneDrive - UCLA IT Services\LEMUR_UCLA\Roco2SimRocolib\env\Scripts\python.exe: can't find 'main' module in 'C:\Users\yusuk\OneDrive' (test_rebuild) c = None
def test_rebuild(c = None):
if c:
..\ in rebuild success &= rebuildComponent(c, built, throw=False) ..\ in rebuildComponent rebuildComponent(sc, built)
c = 'Foil', built = {'BoatBase', 'Cabin', 'Canoe', 'Catamaran', 'Foil'} throw = True
def rebuildComponent(c, built=None, throw=True):
if c not in yamlComponents:
log.debug(f"{c} is not a yaml Component, skipping")
return True
if built is None:
built = set()
if c in built:
log.debug(f"{c} has been rebuilt, skipping")
return True
definition = load_yaml(c)
src = definition.get("source", None)
success = True
if src:"Rebuilding {c} from {ROCOLIB_LIBRARY}/{src}...")
subcomponents = set()
for k, v in definition.get("subcomponents", dict()).items():
for sc in subcomponents:
rebuildComponent(sc, built)
# XXX TODO: Test to make sure we don't call this script and then infinitely recurse!
log.debug(f"Calling os.system: % python {ROCOLIB_LIBRARY}/{src}")
if system(f"python {ROCOLIB_LIBRARY}/{src}"):
success = False
log.debug(f"Done rebuilding {c}.")
if throw:
assert success, f"Error rebuilding {c}, check stdout/stderr for details"
E AssertionError: Error rebuilding Foil, check stdout/stderr for details
..\ AssertionError