@@ -75,6 +75,24 @@ Dial: Never ending (limitless quantity)
@@ -75,6 +75,24 @@ Dial: Never ending (limitless quantity)
#### Procedure
#### Procedure
Q1: If the user wants to change the parameters of the boat, ...
what would they change?
how would they change it?
(Looking at thought process and user interaction with paper, object, system?
Q2: If the user wants to change the parameters of the boat, do they want a slider or a dial?
What is easier for them?
(Looking at user capability of understanding and completing task, thought process and interaction with widget)
Q3: If the user wants to change the linear dimension of the boat, is a slider or dial better? (in terms of efficiency and creativty)
(Looking for thought process 1) when being *efficient*(amount of time (fast) and changes(completing task), and 2) when being *creative* (time (slow) and changes(uniqueness))
##### Meeting 1: Modifying a paper boat
##### Meeting 1: Modifying a paper boat
Goal: We want to observe the parameters of the paper boat the user would change.
Goal: We want to observe the parameters of the paper boat the user would change.