– Descrption of methods and procedures for obtaining data
– Description of methods and procedures of data analysis
Hyptheses: Based on literature review, I believe the slider widget will be more efficient while the dial widget will allow for more creativity with the user.
Hyptheses: Based on literature review, I believe the slider widget will be more efficient while the dial widget will allow for more creativity with the user.
Slider: Range of two point (quantities)
@@ -69,35 +69,9 @@ Dial: Never ending (limitless quantity)
### Creating a widget to change parameters
Children and Adults have different uses and expectations of computers (desktop and/or laptop) and tablets. Adults generally user tablets for content-consumption and computers for content creation. But tablets are easier to use among children for content-consumption and content-creation because mice and keyboards are not as intuitive. (https://www.diffen.com/difference/Laptop_vs_Tablet_computer, deisgn principles)
For this experiment we will need a computer, the RoCO repository, a slider widget, and a dial widget. The data that will be collected includes: participant observation, interviews, and surveys. The data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, narrative analysis, and hermeneutic analysis.
#### Materials
Paper, A computer running Roco/ interface, a slider widget, a dial widget
Collected Data: Participant observation, Interviews, Surveys (one or the other, interview might be better, survey if used for a larger group and small amount of time)
Creativity will be based on uniqueness to other users designs, could take longer time.
Characteristics of Creativity: possibility of more time spent completing task,
Efficiency, usability will be based on getting the task done in the quickest manner.
Characteristics of Efficiency: less time spent completing task,
Questions and wanted observations for each meeting:
-Time from when task is orated to when task is completed
-commentary or questions from user when completing tasks
-changes made to boat
-overall design
The usability of the widgets will be judged on the scale of efficienty and creativity. Efficiency will be judged by usability based on getting a task done in the quickest manner. While creativity will be judged on uniqueness to other designs, and can take a longer time (possibility of more time spent in completing task). The questions and obervations we are looking for during the meetings include: time from when task it orated to time when task is completed, commentary or questions from user when completing tasks, changes made to boat, overall design.
Our goal to introduce STEM to children at an earlier age brought us to a robotic foldable boat. At its core, only a sheet of paper, a widely available resources, is required to create a functional paper boat. With added electrical, mechanical, and software components, it is transformed into a robotic foldable boat.
Our work consists of creating systems and tools for children, as young as five years old, to begin dabbling with engineering. Requirements for this project to be a success are: low cost, accessible supplies, usable for all ages, and limitless design ideas.
@@ -212,3 +190,38 @@ Goal: We need to implement/utilize a widget that changes the geometry of the boa
Children and Adults have different uses and expectations of computers (desktop and/or laptop) and tablets. Adults generally user tablets for content-consumption and computers for content creation. But tablets are easier to use among children for content-consumption and content-creation because mice and keyboards are not as intuitive. (https://www.diffen.com/difference/Laptop_vs_Tablet_computer, deisgn principles)
#### Materials
Paper, A computer running Roco/ interface, a slider widget, a dial widget
Collected Data: Participant observation, Interviews, Surveys (one or the other, interview might be better, survey if used for a larger group and small amount of time)