@@ -118,6 +118,10 @@ cognitive development theories: play as the basis of learning rules, s
-Creative development, involving the physical expression of feelings and cognition, with its scope for imagination and free-flow exploration, draws on both hemispheres of the brain (the left emphasizing logic, language, mathematical representations, sequencing, linearity and the right spatial manipulations, form and pattern, the imagination, rhythm and musical appreciation, intu-ition, images) (cf. Brierley, 1987; Zdenek, 1985)
-it is not always possible to infer what a child can do from observations alone, or recorded work alone. Talking with children has a central role in assessing their understanding, and it is often through talk that a fuller picture of what a child can do is gained.
-The role of observation should not be forgotten. The educator who spends time closely watching and recording the choices which individual children are making, with regard to selection of activity, materials, forms of interpre-tation and expression, interactions with others (including roles adopted), as well as the content of the expression, learns far more about the child's learn-ing than one who spends time focused on outcomes alone.
## [**Design** principles for **children's** technology](http://www.hci.usask.ca/publications/2005/HCI_TR_2005_02_Design.pdf)
@@ -32,11 +32,65 @@ Session 3: Try to build a GUI by this point and test it on them. (not 100% sure
### 3.1 Experimental Procedure
When children design a boat,
How do they design it?
Why do they choose certain parameters?
What do they base their boat design on?
Where do they get their idea of a boat from? (Movies, TV Shows, Games, etc.)
How do 5 year old express their creativity?
What kind of boat do you want and for what?
What do they want to do?
What functionality should we or not include in the design?
How to engage the user, designer to excite the boat design?
How to extract a 5 year old’s creativity?
What is the best way to do that?
How do they make it?
What are they looking at?
Easier for user to touch screen or computer?
1. Create an itinerary for meeting with 5 year old
2. Strive for 3 sessions
3. Session 1: Meet with child to draw boats, ask them to desgin different boats for different environements, task or objectives. (to be big and carry cargo, to be fast, to be small)
4. Develope Questions to ask after to (put answers/results in terms of hard or easy, like it or not like it, fun or boring,)
The main questions these sessions should answer or provide insight are the following:
How do we engange the user/designer, with the goal of being excited to design a boat?
How do 5 year old's express their creativty? (on diff platforms, with diff purposes, free flow play vs not (guided play))
Session 1: Meet with 5 year old; play games on tablet and computer; see differences, ask questions
For the inital session, I will meet with a 5 year old volunteer. This session will consist of playing games that are targeted to the 5 year old audience, but these games will be played on a tablet and on a computer. I will observe the difference between each game and platform used. Before ending I will ask the child questions based on the usability of each game on each platform.
Session Specific questions: What functionality should we include (or not) in design? How to engage the user/designer, to excite boat design?
Session 2: Meet with 5 year old; bring paper and supplies to draw boats boats for different purposes; see difference, ask questions
For the second session, I will meet with a 5 year old volunteer. This session will consist of providing paper (construction paper) and art supplies, the child will be initially asked to draw a boat (figure out how to present it?, dream boat) After the child will be asked to draw boats designed to serve different objectives/purposes. (fast, tall, capacity to carry objects, etc.) Observe how and why they design each boat to their liking, observe the difference between free flow vs not and how it affected their design or their creative expressions? Ask them questions (create a survey)
Session Specific Questions: How do they design it?
Session 3: Meet with 5 year old; same as sesssion 2, but on tablet and computer; see differences, ask questions
For the third session, I will meet with a 5 year old volunteer. This session will consist of providing a tablet and a computer with drawing applications with the child's objective to draw any boat they want on each platform. I will observe what they draw, how they draw it, which drawing tool they enjoyed more, which drawing application was more usable for the child. At the end I will ask the child questions about their drawings, as well as the drawing tools.