[Soft and Hard ideas to improve interaction with robots for Kids and Teacher](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alfredo_Pina/publication/229019858_Soft_Hard_ideas_to_improve_interaction_with_robots_for_Kids_Teachers/links/54ad00e50cf2479c2ee86817.pdf)
* Summary
* Intro: Looking for educational robotic kits, 1) early robotic languages using Bee-Bot (convienient but limited) arduino robots are not as limited, 2) provide teacher w/ computer supported sceneries to enrich robotic activities
* Conclusion: research is still ongoing, arduinos for the win because it has versatile programming languages, tangible interfaces (start, end, robot) real and virutual (graphic display and software) and real (table), table???
[A Two Years Informal Learning Experience Using the Thymio Robot](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-27482-4_7)
* Summary
* Intro (Abstract): need to educate younger generations about common tech, robots are really good educational tools: Why? 1)fascinating and attract attention, 2) they move and react to environment (are perceived to living things), 3) are multidisciplinary systems and illustrate tech principles in electronics, mechanics, computer and communication science, 4) have many applications fields: medical, industrial, agricultural, safety…
There are lots of robots for education and entertainment but non fit educational tool: criteria= promotes creativity and learning, entertaining, cheap and powerful
* Problem:
* Solution: Thymio robot creation and distributing it over 2 year @ workshops, Paper goes into Design Principle, educational context, and analysis with parents over children’s use
* Conclusion:
[The e-puck, a Robot Designed for Education in Engineering](http://users.softlab.ntua.gr/~ktzaf/Courses/epuck-robotica2009.pdf)