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Commit 29c6b781 authored by Tilboon Elberier's avatar Tilboon Elberier
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multivariable estimator preliminary implementation and tests

parent 18d6313b
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......@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ from System.system_simulator import SystemSimulator
from .estimator_update import EstimatorUpdate
class Estimator:
def __init__(self, λ, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy):
def __init__(self, λ, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy):
# Dynamic System Simulator initialization for state estimator
self.SystemSimulator = SystemSimulator(λ, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy)
self.SystemSimulator = SystemSimulator(λ, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy)
# state Estimator update initialization
self.EstimatorUpdate = EstimatorUpdate(self.SystemSimulator.model, eye(self.SystemSimulator.model.Φ.shape[1]), x0)
......@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ from .PDV.pdv import PDV
from System.system_simulator import SystemSimulator
class EstimatorLikelihood:
def __init__(self, λ, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy):
def __init__(self, λ, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy):
# State estimator initialization
self.Estimator = Estimator(λ, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy)
self.Estimator = Estimator(λ, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy)
# Compute scalar likelihood initialization
self.PDV = PDV()
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from System.system_simulator import SystemSimulator
from ..Estimator_Likelihood.estimator_likelihood import EstimatorLikelihood
class ConditionalProbabilityUpdate:
def __init__(self, λs, threshold=1e-4):
def __init__(self, λs, threshold=0):
# Estimator likelihood simulators initialization
self.λs = λs
......@@ -7,22 +7,28 @@ from ..Estimator_Likelihood.estimator_likelihood import EstimatorLikelihood
from .conditional_probability_update import ConditionalProbabilityUpdate
class WeightedEstimate:
def __init__(self, λs):
self.λs = λs
def __init__(self, λs: ndarray):
:param λs: An array where each element is a vector [m, k, b] representing model parameters.
self.λs = λs # List of parameter vectors for each model (each λ = [m, k, b])
def update(self, cumulative_posteriors: ndarray) -> float:
def update(self, cumulative_posteriors: ndarray) -> ndarray:
Calculate the most likely model and the weighted mass estimate.
Calculate the most likely model and the weighted estimates for each parameter (m, k, b).
:param cumulative_posteriors: A 1D array of posterior probabilities for each model.
:return: A vector of weighted parameter estimates [weighted_m, weighted_k, weighted_b].
# Determine the most likely model after updating probabilities
most_likely_model_index = np.argmax(cumulative_posteriors)
most_likely_parameter = self.λs[most_likely_model_index]
# Calculate the weighted parameter estimate
weighted_mass_estimate = np.sum([p * λ for p, λ in zip(cumulative_posteriors, self.λs)])
# Initialize a vector for the weighted estimate [m, k, b]
weighted_estimates = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# Calculate the weighted estimates for each parameter in the vector [m, k, b]
for i in range(len(weighted_estimates)):
weighted_estimates[i] = np.sum([p * λ[i] for p, λ in zip(cumulative_posteriors, self.λs)])
return weighted_mass_estimate
return weighted_estimates
########### Testbench ###########
......@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ from MMAE.Joint_Probability.joint_probability import JointProbability
from System.system_simulator import SystemSimulator
class MMAE:
def __init__(self, λs, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy):
def __init__(self, λs, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy):
# Estimator likelihood simulator initialization
self.EstimatorLikelihoods = [EstimatorLikelihood(λ, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy) for λ in λs]
self.EstimatorLikelihoods = [EstimatorLikelihood(λ, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy) for λ in λs]
# Joint probability simulator initialization
self.JointProbability = JointProbability(λs)
......@@ -25,7 +25,30 @@ class SimpleHarmonicOscillator(System):
# Subclass SHM (Unkonwn M, unknown B, etc)
class MultivariableSimpleHarmonicOscillator(System):
def __init__(self, λ: ndarray, dt: float, H: ndarray, Q: ndarray, R: ndarray):
self.λ = array(λ)
self.λ = λ # Parameter vector
m = λ[0] # Mass
k = λ[1] # Spring constant
b = λ[2] # Damping coefficient
self.dt = dt # Time step
# State transition matrix (A)
Φ = array([[1, dt],
[- (k * dt) / m, 1 - ((b / m) * dt)]]),
# Input transition matrix (B)
B = array([[0],
def ensure_positive_semidefinite(matrix: ndarray) -> ndarray:
......@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ from numpy import ndarray
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from .Model.models import SimpleHarmonicOscillator
from .Model.models import MultivariableSimpleHarmonicOscillator
from .plant import Plant
class SystemSimulator:
def __init__(self, λ, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy):
def __init__(self, λ, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy):
# Model initialization
self.model = SimpleHarmonicOscillator(λ, k, b, dt, H, Q, R)
self.model = MultivariableSimpleHarmonicOscillator(λ, dt, H, Q, R)
# Plant initialization
self.plant = Plant(self.model, x0, noisy)
......@@ -3,21 +3,31 @@
"screen_height": 800,
"background_color": [255, 255, 255],
"mass_color": [255, 0, 0],
"max_time": 1000.0,
"max_time": 500.0,
"dt": 0.1,
"H": [[1, 0]],
"Q": 0.001,
"R": 0.000195,
"amplitude": 5000,
"k": 17000.0,
"b": 1900.0,
"initial_state": [[0], [0]],
"measurements_output": "output/measurements.txt",
"input_signal_output": "output/input_signal.txt",
"true_mass": 2500,
"model_variants_start": 2300,
"model_variants_end": 2900,
"model_variants_step": 300,
"true_m": 2500.0,
"m_variants_start": 2400.0,
"m_variants_end": 2600.0,
"m_variants_step": 100.0,
"true_k": 16000.0,
"k_variants_start": 15000.0,
"k_variants_end": 17000.0,
"k_variants_step": 1000.0,
"true_b": 1800.0,
"b_variants_start": 1700.0,
"b_variants_end": 1900.0,
"b_variants_step": 100.0,
"weighted_estimation": true,
"plot": false,
"model": "SimpleHarmonicOscillator"
......@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ from testbench_tools import simulation_configuration_setup
from testbench_tools import mmae_simulator_simulation_and_plot
class MMAESimulator:
def __init__(self, λ, λs, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, true_system_noisy, estimator_noisy, max_time, max_steps, amplitude):
def __init__(self, λs, true_λ, dt, H, Q, R, x0, true_system_noisy, estimator_noisy, max_time, max_steps, amplitude):
# Synthetic system simulator initialization
self.TrueSystem = SystemSimulator(λ, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, true_system_noisy)
self.TrueSystem = SystemSimulator(true_λ, dt, H, Q, R, x0, true_system_noisy)
# Input initialization
self.input_signal = Input(self.TrueSystem.model, max_time).step_function(max_steps, amplitude)
# MMAE initialization
self.MMAE = MMAE(λs, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, estimator_noisy)
self.MMAE = MMAE(λs, dt, H, Q, R, x0, estimator_noisy)
def update(self, t: int) -> float:
......@@ -28,9 +28,11 @@ class MMAESimulator:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load configuration from JSON file
λs, λ, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, max_time, max_steps, amplitude = simulation_configuration_setup()
λs, m, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, max_time, max_steps, amplitude = simulation_configuration_setup()
true_λ = [m, k, b]
# MMAE simulator initialization
MMAESimulator = MMAESimulator(λ, λs, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, True, False, max_time, max_steps, amplitude)
MMAESimulator = MMAESimulator(λs, true_λ, dt, H, Q, R, x0, True, False, max_time, max_steps, amplitude)
mmae_simulator_simulation_and_plot(MMAESimulator, λ, λs, max_steps, dt)
mmae_simulator_simulation_and_plot(MMAESimulator, λs, true_λ, max_steps, dt)
import numpy as np
import json
from itertools import product
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load configuration from JSON file
......@@ -11,16 +12,29 @@ def simulation_configuration_setup():
config_path = "config.json"
config = load_config(config_path)
start = config["model_variants_start"]
end = config["model_variants_end"]
step = config["model_variants_step"]
m_start = config["m_variants_start"]
m_end = config["m_variants_end"]
m_step = config["m_variants_step"]
k_start = config["k_variants_start"]
k_end = config["k_variants_end"]
k_step = config["k_variants_step"]
b_start = config["b_variants_start"]
b_end = config["b_variants_end"]
b_step = config["b_variants_step"]
# Generate model variants
λs = np.arange(start, end + step, step).tolist()
ms = np.arange(m_start, m_end + m_step, m_step).tolist()
ks = np.arange(k_start, k_end + k_step, k_step).tolist()
bs = np.arange(b_start, b_end + b_step, b_step).tolist()
λ = config['true_mass']
k = config['k']
b = config['b']
# Generate all possible combinations of m, k, and b
λs = [np.array(λ) for λ in product(ms, ks, bs)]
m = config['true_m']
k = config['true_k']
b = config['true_b']
dt = config["dt"]
H = np.array(config["H"])
Q = np.eye(H.shape[1]) * config["Q"]
......@@ -30,25 +44,49 @@ def simulation_configuration_setup():
max_steps = int(config['max_time'] / dt)
amplitude = config['amplitude']
return λs, λ, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, max_time, max_steps, amplitude
def plot_λ_hat(times, lambda_hats, λ):
# Plot λ_hat vs time
plt.plot(times, lambda_hats, label='λ_hat', color='blue')
# Plot true mass as a red dotted line and label it "True mass"
plt.axhline(y=λ, color='red', linestyle='--', label='True mass')
# Add labels and title
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.title('Parameter Estimate (λ_hat) vs Time')
return λs, m, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, max_time, max_steps, amplitude
def plot_λ_hat(times, lambda_hats, true_λ):
# Convert the list of lambda_hats (which are vectors) to a numpy array for easy indexing
lambda_hats = np.array(lambda_hats)
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
# Plot estimated mass (m) on the primary y-axis
ax1.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Mass (m)', color='blue')
ax1.plot(times, lambda_hats[:, 0], label='Estimated mass (m)', color='blue', linestyle='-')
ax1.axhline(y=true_λ[0], color='blue', linestyle='--', label='True mass (m)')
ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='blue')
# Create a secondary y-axis for spring constant (k)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel('Spring constant (k)', color='green')
ax2.plot(times, lambda_hats[:, 1], label='Estimated spring constant (k)', color='green', linestyle='-')
ax2.axhline(y=true_λ[1], color='green', linestyle='--', label='True spring constant (k)')
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='green')
# Create another secondary y-axis for damping coefficient (b) (offset from the right)
ax3 = ax1.twinx()
ax3.spines['right'].set_position(('outward', 60)) # Offset third axis to the right
ax3.set_ylabel('Damping coefficient (b)', color='red')
ax3.plot(times, lambda_hats[:, 2], label='Estimated damping coefficient (b)', color='red', linestyle='-')
ax3.axhline(y=true_λ[2], color='red', linestyle='--', label='True damping coefficient (b)')
ax3.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='red')
# Add legends for each axis
ax1.legend(loc='upper left')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')
ax3.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.title('Parameter Estimates (m, k, b) vs Time')
fig.tight_layout() # To avoid overlap of labels
def plot_heatmap(models_summary, times, λs, title):
# Convert to string for label on plot
λs = [f"m: {round(λ[0], 2)}, k: {round(λ[1], 2)}, b: {round(λ[2], 2)}" for λ in λs]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.imshow(models_summary.T, aspect='auto', cmap='hot', origin='lower',
extent=[times[0], times[-1], λs[0], λs[-1]])
......@@ -59,7 +97,7 @@ def plot_heatmap(models_summary, times, λs, title):
def mmae_simulator_simulation_and_plot(simulator, λ, λs, max_steps, dt):
def mmae_simulator_simulation_and_plot(simulator, λs, true_λ, max_steps, dt):
# Lists to store time and λ_hat values
times = []
lambda_hats = []
......@@ -75,6 +113,9 @@ def mmae_simulator_simulation_and_plot(simulator, λ, λs, max_steps, dt):
print(f"Step {step_counter}: λ_hat = {λ_hat}")
# Convert the list of lambda_hat values (vectors) to a numpy array
lambda_hats = np.array(lambda_hats)
# Convert the list of model probabilities to a numpy array
cumulative_posteriors_summary = np.array(cumulative_posteriors_summary)
......@@ -85,7 +126,7 @@ def mmae_simulator_simulation_and_plot(simulator, λ, λs, max_steps, dt):
# np.savetxt("cumulative_posteriors_summary.txt", cumulative_posteriors_summary)
# Plot the estimated mass over time
plot_λ_hat(times, lambda_hats, λ)
plot_λ_hat(times, lambda_hats, true_λ)
# Plot the heatmap for likelihoods (PDVs) over time
plot_heatmap(pdvs_summary, times, λs, title="Heatmap of Model Likelihood Over Time")
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