from numpy import ndarray, linspace, repeat, zeros, zeros_like, array, reshape, arange
from numpy.random import normal
from numpy import sin, pi
from numpy import heaviside, piecewise
from numpy.random import randn
from System.Model.system import System
# base class input, derived classes
class Input:
def __init__(self, s: System, T: float, u0: ndarray = None):
Initializes an input class object that can generate various input signals.
:param s: The System that provides information on the input dimensions.
:param T: The period of generated input signals.
:param u0: The initial size and value of input vector u.
self.s = s
self.T = T
self.u0 = zeros((self.s.B.shape[-1], 1)) if u0 is None else u0

Tilboon Elberier
def step_function(self, steps, amplitude, change=100):
Generate a step function input signal.
:param steps: The total number of time steps.
:param amplitude: The amplitude of the step.
:return: A numpy array representing the step function input signal.
u = zeros((steps, self.s.B.shape[1]))
u[change:] = amplitude
return u