skinparam componentStyle rectangle
'skinparam linetype ortho
' Define components and connections
component "MMAE" #LightBlue {
collections "Estimator_Likelihood" as EL #Pink
component "Joint_Probability" as JP #Pink
EL -> JP : pdv(1, k)(ti)
' Define invisible nodes for inputs and outputs
() "λ_hat" as λ
() λs
() "u, z" as u
() setup as " "
' Input connections
EL <-l- u
setup -d-> EL : λ_k, k, b, dt, H, Q, R, x0, noisy
note "Each Estimator_Likelihood instance\nis passed in its own λ from λs.\nAll other inputs are the same." as N1
N1 <- setup
λs -d-> JP
JP -> λ